Join Deborah and New Earth Insights for the First Ever Deep Spirit Medicine Facilitator Training Course

Beginning Spring 2022


Indepth teachings, exclusive insights, tool kit rejuvenation, 1:1 mentorship and beloved community connection. Identify your unique contributions and gifts. Increase your confidence. Find your voice. Facilitate transformation.
Turn people on to the work that has changed your life!
Join the New Earth Insights Collective and take this work you love, to the world.

March 2022 - May 2022
Deep Discounts for Early

$200 off if paid by January 10, 2022. Additional
$150 off if paid in full

This training is by invitation only.

Space is limited.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are on Maui, you may attend in person or online. Online trainings are open to all participants. Recordings of all meetings will be available within 24 hours.
We will meet as a group eight times for two hours each. In addition, there will be bonus video lessons, a detailed syllabus, self-guided and partnered practicum and 1:1 mentorship.
Upon successful course completion, you will be certified by New Earth Insights to teach Deep Spirit Medicine Level 1. It’s fair to say that with one course offering, you will see a complete or near complete return on your tuition investment. In addition, you will be bringing much-needed tools of transformation to your community and the world.

Of course, only you can answer this question. However, if you have received an invitation, I consider you an excellent candidate, facilitator and spokesperson for this work.

Pre-requisites: Deep Spirit Medicine Mastery Level 1 and/or completion of Advanced Energy Medicine and invitation from Deborah.

Early Bird Registration
January 1 - 10 2022.

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