
“You do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. You need not even listen, simply wait, just learn to become quiet, and still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.”


Meditation is a Super

You will immediately feel more grounded, centered and ready to take on whatever is next.

Transformational practices
that serve you for a lifetime.

Deep Spirit Medicineʻs carefully curated practices increase our capacity for compassion. They empower us to discover and embody our unique and innate passions and purpose.
Deep Spirit Medicine tools are not something you use once and throw away. They are transformational practices that serve you for a lifetime.

Find the right meditation for you

  • Variety: our library offers a variety of ways to engage — from short to long, serene to stimulating, body health to spirit awakening. Choose a topic, length and level that works best for you.
  • Tested: these meditations have been field tested by hundreds of humans–from seasoned practitioners to first time beginners.  The proof is in the pudding: try one of our free meditations and then come back (again and again) for what you find most healing and supportive for You in each moment.
  • Free: we remove financial barriers so that anyone can benefit from these practices. We also offer low-cost options to purchase packages on topics of interest to dive deeper into more advanced tools and techniques.

Try a Series

Check out this three-part series for Cultivating Compassion.  If you love it, check out the full Cultivate Series here
Cultivating Compassion
Before you start, here are a few meditation tips:
  • Be comfortable. Find a comfortable place to sit with your feet on the floor or directly on the Earth. You can be seated or lying down, although lying on your back may make you feel sleepier.
  • Minimize noise or distractions. If you can, try to find somewhere quiet and less prone to interruption but, if you do hear noise, just notice it and then let it go. It’s all part of the practice–you get to decide what you engage with.
  • Practice whenever feels right for you. This could mean first thing in the morning when the mind and body rhythms are naturally quieter, or in the afternoon and evening when you want to take a break from the business of the day.
  • Recognize that you may still experience thoughts during meditation. This is normal. Meditation is a practice of coming back to your present experience without judgement. If you notice your mind has wandered, simply return to your meditation and begin again. Each moment is an opportunity to discipline your mind and arrive more fully into your Self. The benefits are worth it!
  • Have fun with it. Meditation is, at its roots, a way to explore what it feels like to be you. There are plenty of opportunities in life to beat ourselves up, here’s an opportunity to just BE. Enjoy the process and let us know what you discover!

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